One of the most innovative and sought after products in our range is the Skin Kiss Slimming tights which reduces thigh measurement by up to 2 cm. Extensive tests and wearer trials have proven that wearing Skin Kiss Slimming tights on a daily basis for up to 28 days can lead to a loss of up to 2 cm around the thigh together with other benefits such as improving the skin’s texture and firmness and reduction of the cellulite "orange peel" effect. The media have also tested the product with fantastic results:- "10/10 ITV's This Morning Show" "After 6 days there was a 1cm thigh circumference reduction well done Skin Kiss!" - Janice Long, BBC Radio 2The demand for these caffeine tights has been unprecedented and Skin Kiss Ltd has carefully selected stockists to sell this product in their Retail stores and on their websites.